Saturday, September 2, 2017

Open House

It has been a busy week so far. Turns out medical supply is quite busy just before the hospital opens. Imagine that. hmmm. So anyway. The week so far has been super busy and I confess to feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. Multiple departments coming at you at the same time saying they need stuff yesterday just makes the day a bit stressful.  God has been faithful and reminding me to stop and pray when I start to feel the pressure. My boss Jim has been great too and had been providing treats on occasion to love and encourage us. This week it was cold Gatorade on a hot sweating morning moving heavy boxes, and M&M's later in the week when we were pushing hard to get things done. I am lucky to be working with 2 good guys on a daily basis. Franko and Eric. They are hard workers, smart and kind to me.

Eric and I are the new kids on  the block and we have our hands full trying to learn everything in the midst of trying to supply all the departments for opening. The computers had both of us frustrated on and off so far this week. This is in addition to moving A LOT of boxes and pallets around from place to place as it arrives on the ship. I have been trying to work smart and take it easier on my back. I am learning to accept help more quickly with the heavy items. The guys I work with are always quick to offer.

Wednesday after work we had an open house in the hospital which turned out to be quite fun. Many of the crew who work in different areas of the ship never get to see what happens in the hospital so before everything goes sterile for surgery, they open it up for tours and a little fun. People are allowed to go from room to room and check things out. There are demonstrations and things to try. The kids absolutely loved getting to get dressed up in gowns and pretend to be the doctor. You get to handle instruments and see how machines work and it is all quite interested. Although me and the guys I work with were busy giving tours in our area, we still managed to slip away for some of the time and look around for ourselves. It was a fun evening but a long day. Sleep came quickly and easily at the end.

Pray for us as we push these last few days. Hospital opens Monday. Pray for the patients that have already come and are waiting at the hope center for their day to come to the ship. Pray for hope and healing. Pray for God's name to be lifted high and for Him to get the glory for it all.
from left to right: Eric, Franko and me in  medical  supply

A few pics from open house.

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