Sunday, October 17, 2010

Two weeks

Today was two weeks of life in Africa! How do I describe what this two weeks has been like so far? It has been wonderful and exciting, adventurous, difficult, stretching, better than I could have imagined, and just the tip of the iceberg to come I am sure. I have experienced the joy of going to church with a beautiful yet sick baby strapped to me African style, having the church pray for his healing, and the wonder of it all. I have been awoken in the middle of the night, despite my earplugs, by the most amazing thunderstorm and unbelievable amount of rain coming down. I live on the bottom of two stories and it sounded so LOUD!! The wind and the lightning we pretty amazing as well. I have ventured to the market to buy food for our babies, and learned how to bargain and not get charged more because I am a muzungu. I have participated in some glorious worship with people from all walks of life. Both at home with Danielle and Auntie Night with an acoustic guitar, and at church, with believers from all over Uganda and the world. All of us worshiping the same God in spirit and truth. I have experience new foods that have been really yummy, some cooked in places I would never have thought in a million years I would eat. I have ridden on the back of a boda(motor scooter) to get to town and go to the real market where the local people shop and been in wonder at the aisles and aisles of produce, hardware,clothing, tools, baskets,soaps, shoes and just about anything else you can think of.I have on our hill and looked out at the beauty of lake Victoria and been just stunned. I have begun new friendships that I am sure will last into eternity, and missed the ones I have left behind at least for now. I have been blessed literally to tears at the love of a few close friends who have cared enough to send me a word from the Lord at just the right time, even one that might be hard to hear. The will never know just how God has used them to speak to me in my moments of brokenness. Yes, there have been those moments too. I could write of many. It seems every day here is a new chance to be completely broken and feel useless and then allow God to come and do something in that moment. I pray that it will continue, but only if he gives me the strength to endure. I have had much of what I have been taught challenged and so much I never learned. Pray the Lord will give me wisdom each day. Pray for these babies, and pray for these people. Just a few steps from our front gate there is a mosque and many people lost in a dark and desperate land. There is tribal fighting to the degree that they are willing to kill a 12 day old child for the sake of a feud. (God intervened)The one thing that has become clearer to me each and every day that I have been here is this:
JESUS is the only answer!!! Every where I look and every problem I see, Jesus is the only long term, sustainable answer to the problems we see. He is the ONLY solution. So thank you for praying for me, but PLEASE, PLEASE, remember to pray for them too.
Every day this place gets a little more amazing,and steals away a little more of my heart. Miss you all....Jennifer

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