So today was just a manic Monday. It was busy from the time my feet hit the floor until about 10 minutes ago. It is now about 8:30. Breakfast went fairly well with the exception of two of the kids who seem to have some artistic style trapped in their little bodies. Every morning they pour their porridge out on the floor if they are not watched constantly. Then they proceed to smear it around with the hands and feet and make all kinds of crazy designs. They seem to think it is great fun.
After that it was a battle with Betty to get her to take her medicine. It is not bad tasting, other kids take it willingly, she is just stubborn and seems to choose this as something she can control. I may be able to pour it in her mouth, but she is in control on weather or not it gets swallowed. It is a challenge everyday! Right now due to her severe ear infection it is a challenge four times a day. So far I am winning but not without a good fight.
Robert has progressed to real baths now. So that came next. I fill a pink plastic baby bath with warm water and a soft flannel sheet. Then we remove all his bandages. Any that are stuck to his wounds just go in the bath with him to soak and then come off pretty easy. We have been doing it this way for four days now and it seems to be going well. Then it is time to reapply his bandages. All in all it takes about two hours. Fortunately I was able to do most of it while the other kids were napping. Can I just say PRAISE THE LORD for naps!
While I was doing all this Danielle was at the hospital on day 10 of what is supposed to be a 14 day vigil. She has been taking medication and food daily to a young patient with bacterial meningitis. She has been sick for months and nearly died. She is so thin it is frightening and will be coming to stay here soon. But she had to stay in the hospital until we were sure she was not contagious and that she got the treatment she needed. So Danielle has been on vigil. Every morning she gets up passes out breakfast, and then jumps on a boda and goes to children's hospital. She takes food for the Mom and the patient and also the medications that she will be given for that day. It has been a long ten days but the patient is beginning to show signs of improvement.
The rest of the day was filled with more medicine battles, ear washes, many poopy diapers, meals, a trip to town for market and pharmacy, two momma's that came for help, a visit to see the night guards new house that he is building, and making new bandages for Robert for tomorrow. It has been a full day.
Now I am laying in my bed ready to crash for the day. Although Danielle just said something about making popcorn so I might have to force myself to stay awake a bit longer. :)
That's all I have for now. I would love to hear from home. Know I am praying for many of you. Oh, and the picture is of the two ladies that live next door to us, just on the other side of our yard wall. Just a little glimpse of the village.
In His Service,
love you Jen! you are truely being His hands and feet!