Saturday, October 28, 2017

STRESS!....well not now

So to say this week has been stressful would be a bit of an understatement. I have no one to blame but myself. I finally got things in order Thursday at bible study. You see, we are still waiting for our container that left the states in September. Unfortunately it has been delayed several times due to hurricanes in Texas and Florida and then additional delays on this side of the Atlantic. As a result we are low on many supplies and several of them are quite important. As one on the 3 people in the medical supply department I take it very personal when someone comes and asks for something and I can not provide it. As the week progressed I felt like a constricting snake was wrapped around me and slowly squeezing tighter and tighter. By Thursday afternoon I felt like my head was ready to pop off.
     Thursday evening  I headed to bible study feeling like I was wound pretty tight. It was just what I needed. We started with a time of music and just  resting in God. I realized as I poured out my feelings to the Lord that I had been picking up things this week that were not my own. Burdens He did not ask me to bare. My misery was brought on myself by trying to take care of things that I could not and was not asked to. After repenting of this behavior the Lord lifted the weight from my shoulders and I felt the squeezing leave.
    Friday was a much better day. The container still did not come and the shortages still exist. However each time I was tempted to worry or be anxious about it, instead I prayed. I asked God to help me not pick it back up. To leave it in His capable hands.  He is so faithful. It also helped that a co-worker brought their Ipod and we had praise music playing all day in the department. What a different day it was. I  am  so thankful to the Lord for helping me release this. And for being  there time and time again when I try to do things in my own strength. He graciously reminds me that he is there. That he is more than willing to help me and all I need to do is let go.
     So as of today the container is still not here, but I know that God's time is perfect even when I forget. That He is sitting on  the throne and  I can  trust him with today.

So pray for the container to come, and pray for me to stay in a place of release and trust. Pray for the patients. Most of all pray that the Lord of all will be lifted high and become known to the people of Cameroon.

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