Thursday, February 10, 2011

Under the African Moon

So there is this scene in the movie Under the Tuscan Sun where the lead character is sleeping in her new house in a foreign country and its storming out. She ends up having a visitor, an owl, fly in her room. She is really afraid of him but tells him he can stay as long as he doesn't fly around because he will freak her out. Well let me just say, that scene will always be a little bit funnier and I will relate a little more. It is 3 am here and I tried it her way. Let me tell you it does not work. Oh ya and my visitor was not an owl it was a bat! I don't know how in the world he got in past the screens but when I came in to go to bed....low and behold there the little creature was flying about my room a bit freaked out himself.
Well of course my first instinct is ....I need a guy to come get this thing. Well who am I gonna bother at 11 o'clock at night? No one. So I decide, okay your small your not that bad. I have a mosquito net to sleep under. Your not trying to fly into my hair, you can stay but just don't fly around the room because you will definitely FREAK me out!
Well that worked for a bit, but not long. He kept flying around crashing into things like the screens, the windows and my plastic rack of stuff next to my bed. He would then crawl around with his scratchy little toe jammy toes looking for a way out! Ick. So needless to say, I am not asleep. So I lie here thinking I got to get rid of this guy but how? If I go out of my net he is going to fly around and bump into me and that is not going to be good for him, me or anyone within at least a half mile of hear who will be awakened by the blood curdling scream.
So think...think.. think. And then a small stroke of brilliance likely brought on by watching some Steve Irwin show at some point in my life. (Thanks Steve...hope you knew Jesus and I can thank you in person some day.) I bravely crawl out of my net and open all my windows while Bert the Bat ( Hes been here long enough to need a name) flies about my room just slightly about my head. Oh Yes I am freaking out but somehow managing not to scream and wake the neighbors. So windows open, I turn out the lights and crawl back in bed. Well about 10 more minutes of banging around tells me this is not working but all his little mosquito friends are coming to join the party. So then I decide to turn on the lights and maybe he will go for the darkness. Well, I think it worked. I did not actually see him go, but he was flying aimlessly about the room and then it got quiet. It has been about 15 minutes now without a Bert sighting so I think my plan has worked. All his creepy little mosquito friends are still here, but I have my net so I should be okay. Now if I could just go back to sleep!
Oh there was no chance of me being brave enough to get a picture of Bert. I thought about it and quickly dismissed the idea as a good way to end up with a bat in my hair. So you will just have to imagine his creepy little brown mouse like body with its freakishly long wings and it scratchy little gross toe jammy toe nails climbing around on my screens.
So until later...I sign off Under the African Moon


  1. TOO FUNNY!!! I hate flying things around my head especially things big enough to make sound and knock things off of shelves. You are a brave, brave girl. You should have yelled for Sara's hubby in the back, that would have been the first thing I thought of.
    You had me laughing out loud, thanks for the visual..we didn't even need pictures. lol

